Am I Beautiful?

Today’s blog post is not directly related to hockey, but I felt it was important to share. It does however, have a connection to self confidence and self worth, which is very important in any arena of life.

I recently was having a session with one of my clients who is a very young girl. At the time we were speaking about the school year starting and how she felt about it. This can be a very challenging time for both boys and girls for sure, and it is a very good lead into confidence and self worth talk.

One thing in particular that stood out above anything else she said, was that she was cautiously happy that she might be finally seen as pretty. This struck a chord with me because I have a daughter, and remember vividly how she was during her awkward early teen years. She was always such a positive loving person with a heart of gold, but she was concerned about her looks and body image. She has since blossomed into a beautiful woman with four wonderful kids, and is very happy and confident in her life.

So as I was thinking about what this young girl was saying to me, I was thinking about my daughter, and I felt deeply saddened that she would be this concerned about what people thought about her looks. Today’s world is ultra sensitive to image. It’s a world where social media is king, and how you are viewed is everything in a young person’s eyes. I get it. I know I’m a dinosaur:) but I understand the world we live in and the reality that is in front of us. I also understand and believe that you don’t have to fall victim to the pressure from the masses. All of this made me want to share my thoughts about it all with her. I’ll share with you some of what I told her…

Physical beauty will have it’s moment in the sun during your lifetime. Some will come into their own early, and some will be late bloomers:) But remember this… it’s ALWAYS fades. That’s guaranteed.

Inner beauty however, that you can have until the day you die. And even more importantly, the memory of you and how you were as a person will live on long after you’re gone.

The things that create your true inner beauty are things like being selfless, being loving, and helping others. There are also three words I often use in my work with people, and they are GRATITUDE, HUMILITY, & GRACE. These are also a part of having real inner beauty.

You see, my daughter eventually got out of her awkward teen stage. But what makes her so beautiful today, is the person she is inside. And you can physically see that as well as feel it.

Who you are is defined by how you are as a person. If you possess these traits, you’re beautiful in my eyes and will be to others.

Have a wonderful day.


Dusty Imoo


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