Don’t Be Afraid Of A Challenge

Wow! I didn’t realize how long it has been since I wrote something on my blog:) I just got busy with some really cool things;)

One of those things was an event that I spoke at last Saturday here in Vancouver. It was the Kid Carson LOVE OVER FEAR event, that had seven speakers, speaking about all different kinds of uplifting and motivating topics. There were great conversations, awesome food, beautiful connections and a great love vibe spread throughout the day. It really was an unbelievable event.

What I wanted to speak about quickly, was about how stepping outside your comfort zone and taking on new challenges, can really help spark your growth. And I will use myself and my experience at this event as an example.

When I agreed to speak at this event, I knew inside that I had ZERO clue on how to write a speech, let alone speak in front of a large group of people:) But I also know what happens to me when I put myself out there into unknown territory… I get motivated to do well, and nervously excited.

I used to play in front of large crowds but this was completely different! There are all kinds of freaky feelings, I’m not gonna lie. But as long as you take it all in as positive nervousness, it really can get you going. The idea of failure for some can be debilitating and can be the backbreaker for sure, which ultimately stops people from taking the leap. But if you can try to see the whole experience of whatever it is you are wanting to try, as a gift to learn and grow, it will be easier for you to embrace. Once you do that, the whole thing becomes a huge rush, win lose or draw.

I don’t know how great I really did that day up on the stage, but I know that I drew from within and gave it my best. The feeling after was amazing and it was another step in my journey of helping people.

So if you have something that you’ve wanted to do but are scared that you might fail, please try to see it as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn and grow. You might not nail it your first try, but I promise you this… you will be a little bit better version of yourself after you’ve tried.

Don’t be afraid of a challenge. You got this!!


Dusty Imoo


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